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Shorthand Stenography Professional Certificate Course in Abbottabad
Shorthand Stenography Professional Certificate Course in Abbottabad



Rs 123


Shorthand Stenography Professional Certificate Course in Abbottabad
Institute of International Certification and Qualification IICQ
Admission open 2024
We are offering different Technical and IT Courses to Boot and Enhance your skills

**Shorthand Course: Master the Art of Speed Writing for Efficient Communication**
Unlock the power of rapid note-taking with our **Shorthand Course**, designed for professionals, students, journalists, and administrative staff looking to enhance their efficiency in capturing spoken words. Shorthand is a valuable skill that allows you to quickly transcribe speech, meetings, interviews, and dictation with precision. Whether you're aiming for a career in stenography or looking to improve your note-taking skills, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to shorthand systems that are easy to learn and apply.
**Course Content Overview:**
1. **Introduction to Shorthand**
Discover the fundamentals of shorthand and its importance in various professions, including stenography, journalism, and legal transcription. This module introduces you to the history and principles of shorthand, explaining how it can significantly improve your speed and accuracy in note-taking.
2. **Understanding Shorthand Symbols**
Learn the shorthand alphabet and symbol system that will serve as the foundation for your writing. This module covers the representation of letters, sounds, and words using shorthand symbols, enabling you to grasp the basics of speed writing.
3. **Common Words and Phrases**
Master the shorthand for common words and phrases frequently used in everyday speech. This module helps you become familiar with the most used words, allowing you to transcribe spoken language quickly and efficiently.
4. **Speed Development Techniques**
Practice techniques to increase your writing speed without sacrificing accuracy. This module focuses on drills and exercises designed to enhance your ability to capture conversations, speeches, and meetings at high speeds.
5. **Shorthand for Dictation and Reporting**
Learn how to apply shorthand in professional settings, such as during dictation or while reporting on meetings and interviews. This module helps you develop confidence in using shorthand to record large amounts of information in real-time.
6. **Advanced Shorthand Practices**
For those looking to refine their skills, this module provides advanced tips and tricks to improve your shorthand efficiency. Learn how to handle complex sentence structures and specialized vocabulary while maintaining speed and accuracy.
7. **Transcription and Review**
Develop the ability to transcribe your shorthand notes back into clear, readable text. This module focuses on reviewing your shorthand notes, translating them into full sentences, and ensuring that they accurately reflect the original speech.
By the end of the **Shorthand Course**, you will be able to take fast and accurate notes in any setting, from business meetings to academic lectures. Whether you are looking to boost your productivity at work or develop a new skill for personal use, this course will give you the tools to communicate more efficiently and save time. Join today and become a proficient shorthand writer!

Contact Us on:
Phone No. 051-8482499
Cellphone No. 0303-5309302
Email: iicqualification@gmail.com
Office#4, 1st Floor, Aries tower, Maryam Hall, Muree Road, Shams Abad Rawalpindi.

Rs 123

Shorthand Stenography Professional Certificate Course in Abbottabad

Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


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Member since Aug, 2024

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